Monday, June 9, 2008

Immeasurably More

Ok, so have I mentioned that God is faithful?
He consistently shows me signs of His presence, provision, and desire to do more than I can even imagine or conjure up on my own strength.'s my little story for y'all...
Well, I found out last Tuesday that there was a crash at the Tegucigalpa airport the previous Sunday (the airport which I was to fly into), and that the airport would therefore be indefinitely closed. I contacted my airline to see about where/when they could re-route my flight.
Guess what they told me?
There were NO available flights to use w/my miles.
Now, you should know that I purposely booked the flight that I did so that I did not have to pay for was a pretty inconvenient flight, with 2 lay-overs and an over-night stay in Miami. And mustn't even mention the 8-hour bus ride that would follow my arrival into Honduras. there were NO flights available for least without a big cost.
And did I mention that I'm volunteering for the year (which means that there would not be funds coming in to pay for this flight)? So I started to freak out a bit. Suddenly I was imagining having to pay an extra $400 which I was not prepared to pay.
I called AA 3 days in a row. Nothing changed. Still no flight for me, unless I wanted to wait until July 1st. And that would mean that I would not be taking language school. Ahemmmm...not possible, being that I will be beginning a job in SPANISH on July 6th!
So...I did my best to try to talk calmly to the receptionist on the other line (though I was really hoping for some sympathy).
Well, she finally decided to hand me over to her supervisor (again, not because I was yelling...crying, maybe, but not yelling...haha).
I told the supervisor my story...oh, woe was me!
And can I tell you somethin'??
Within 5, yes 5 min. she was able to find me an INCREDIBLE flight, WAY better than the one I previously had. I would fly from Mpls. to Honduras within 6 hours. AND my bus trip would only be 4 hours instead of 8. Un-be-lievable.
What another great sign of God's blessing and desire to give me more than I could ask for. WOW.
What was I so afraid of?
"The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." --Hebrews 13:6


Anonymous said...

OMG, ahhhh, JENNA, Praise God.

this is amazing. He cares even how we get there. what a deal. wow. just wow, from 2 days to 6 hours. his care even when we are not looking for it.

Anonymous said...

beautiful. we have a mighty God. Praise HIM!

Chelsie Frank said...

praise the lord. i love those stories of His kindness

Anonymous said...

PTL! Serious.