Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dios es Fiel

So...I've been thinking a lot about God's faithfulness lately. It's been really helping me get through these random bouts of fear and I checked some things out...
The Bible talks about God's faithfulness over 100, that's a lot.:)
And I was reminded today that the command to "Fear not" is spoken 365 times in His time for every day of the year. Suffice? Yes.
God has proven himself faithful in my life time and time and time again...not once has He let me down...and yet I continue to DOUBT. It's pretty much annoying, I've decided. But...I am only human. So I'm trying to cling to His faithfulness...and at the same time, trying to live faithfully unto Him in return. It's hard. The race is long. I get easily frustrated and try to do everything on my own strength. But His grace is sufficient.
I'm leaving the country in exactly 3 weeks. And every day I think more and more about those kids at NPH Honduras and how we'll greet each other when I arrive. It's gonna be SO "cheque!!" Cool. And it will only be the beginning...
God is good.
"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in His word I put my hope..." Psalm 130:5

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