Thursday, November 22, 2012

Here's to You!

To everyone who has walked a mile, shed a tear, shared a hug, prayed a prayer, and comforted me on a sleepless night...
THANK YOU. To everyone who's sent me snail mail and packages (especially candy;), written emails, and actually read this blog...
THANK YOU. For all of your words of encouragement, passion for the Lord's ministry down here, and financial support...
THANK YOU. Your support has provided blessed trips home to see loved ones, gifts for my godsons, resources and conversation starters for my students, and a spiritual and emotional strength that has been so needed...
SO HERE'S TO YOU. Here's to all of you who remind me that I am part of something greater, something sometimes out of my sight or reach....yet something that continually gives me hope and trust in my Great God. Here's to all of you who, despite the distance, have not given up on love or friendship.
IT MEANS MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW! So here's to you--all of my friends, family, and loved ones who have stuck by my side through the mountains and valleys of this journey with my godson (now 15!!) and great love story with my King... I couldn't have made it this far without your support. And so, as I count my blessings today and always, I count you.
I GIVE THANKS TO GOD FOR YOU! May you all receive 100-fold of all that you have given me. LOVE YOU ALL! JJ

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