Hey everyone! Greetings from my 5th day in Copan, Honduras.
Wow, it's beautiful here. Mountains. Tons of green life. The smell of Honduras that brings back so many memories. God is so good to me.
But I must tell you, it's been really tough trying to learn the language here, and I've been learning how to lean on Him for everything I need...something I definitely need to work on. I so easily try to take everything on with my own strength, and I just can't do it. I need Him in EVERYthing! All of it. TODO.
Well, here's the story of my travels thus far...
I arrived in Honduras on Saturday, the 21st. Immediately I felt a bit alone. I had never arrived in the San Pedro Sula airport before, and I knew I would have to travel 4 more hours on my own in a foreign country...ayyy. But God was so present that day...I found peace and relaxation as the day wore on and the beautiful travels ensued. When I finally arrived in Copan at 10 PM, I found it surprisingly easy to speak with my host family...a solid Christian family with lots of love, laughter, and generosity.
Sunday was more difficult. I slept in late 'cause of my travels and because of the 1 1/2 hrs. of sleep on Friday night, and I was NOT ready to speak spanish when I woke up. But I TRIED. I met a few visitors to my host family's house. It seems they always have visitors in and out...I love it. My place is so beautiful...surrounded by flowers, and so wide-open to the fresh air...definitely a difference I enjoy in Latin America! And the roosters wake me up in the morning...I guess it does not matter that I forgot my cell phone in MN!
Anyway, I attended church with mi madre on Sunday night...beautiful, but of course tough. But I was reminded of why I am here. "I have come, O God, to do Your will!" (Jesus:)
Monday I began my immersion class. My maestro (teacher) is fun and not at all intimidating, so that's been great for the learning process. But class is still hard. I love the full-on spanish, though...I always struggled to really speak it back home, so I love that I'm forced to do so here. My teacher told me that, when it comes to mathematics, 4-1=3, but when it comes to language (speaking it, reading it, writing it, listening to it--the 4 requirements), 4-1=0. So true!
Monday I was totally overwhelmed with the language around me. I was so exhausted that I took a 3-hr nap. I couldn't get anything out in spanish, and I couldn't remember anything! Ayyyyy!
Tuesday was a new day, though. God spoke very clearly to me.
It was yet another tough day with the language. I gave up on it very early, as I ended up hanging out with 2 other (english-speaking:) soon-to-be-volunteers that are also studying here. There are 4 of us total, so I'm not the only one who is learning--YAY!
Well, I came home in the afternoon and spoke some with my host mom. I love talking about God with her...at least what I am able.:) We were talking and I heard a Christian song in english on her stereo...and I was suddenly excited to hear english. She then told me that she didn't understand any of the song, except the "Hallelujah!" part. In spanish, the word is pronounced the same but spelled differently. Mi madre (Cori) said to me, "Aleluyah--it's God's language!" Wow, it brought me much joy, and I needed to go to my room and pray. I turned on my worship music, and another song with 'hallelujah' in it often began playing on my ipod. I went to my knees and began thanking God for all the gifts of this place. I repented of my pride and of trying to do everything on my own. And do you know what He told me?? Ohhhh man, it was beautiful.
He said,
"This is our love story, Jenna."
Wow. What a dance with the Lord and Best Friend of my life. He has brought me here for such a time as this. He has carried me to so many places in this world, and we've had so many adventures together, and this is just another page in our love story. God is absolutely in love with me, and that is why He brought me here. WOW. In my struggles and sufferings, I am like Him as He was on this earth...
and we dance together.
He completely understands. And when I struggle, I become more like Him. We dance more closely together. And our love story grows more intense. When I suffer, I become more like Him in His death, so that I can know Him more. So that all that is in me that is not of Him can therefore die. Oh Lord, I want to die to myself so that I can know You more. Lord, please help me!
Gracias por este regalo, Senor!
Gracias por mi vida...y Tu vida!
Gracias por esta aventura!
Gracias por TODO...AMEN!
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." -John 12:24
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
For The Joy Set Before Me...
Here's what I have to look forward to: the food, the beautiful scenery, my boys in the San Francisco hogar, my godson, and just plai

I'm excited once again...by the
I know I'll be leaving tons of beautiful faces behind...I will miss you all so much! Keep in touch!

THANK YOU to everyone who has been so encouraging and supportive along the way...I am beyond grateful for the many, many amazing people (like you:) whom the Lord has placed in my life...wow.
P.S. I'm still trying to figure out how to place photos on here correctly, so I apologize for the not-so-asthetically-pleasing layout.:) Haha.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Immeasurably More
Ok, so have I mentioned that God is faithful?
He consistently shows me signs of His presence, provision, and desire to do more than I can even imagine or conjure up on my own strength.
SO...here's my little story for y'all...
Well, I found out last Tuesday that there was a crash at the Tegucigalpa airport the previous Sunday (the airport which I was to fly into), and that the airport would therefore be indefinitely closed. I contacted my airline to see about where/when they could re-route my flight.
Guess what they told me?
There were NO available flights to use w/my miles.
Now, you should know that I purposely booked the flight that I did so that I did not have to pay for it...it was a pretty inconvenient flight, with 2 lay-overs and an over-night stay in Miami. And mustn't even mention the 8-hour bus ride that would follow my arrival into Honduras.
BUT...now there were NO flights available for me...at least without a big cost.
And did I mention that I'm volunteering for the year (which means that there would not be funds coming in to pay for this flight)? So I started to freak out a bit. Suddenly I was imagining having to pay an extra $400 which I was not prepared to pay.
I called AA 3 days in a row. Nothing changed. Still no flight for me, unless I wanted to wait until July 1st. And that would mean that I would not be taking language school. Ahemmmm...not possible, being that I will be beginning a job in SPANISH on July 6th!
So...I did my best to try to talk calmly to the receptionist on the other line (though I was really hoping for some sympathy).
Well, she finally decided to hand me over to her supervisor (again, not because I was yelling...crying, maybe, but not yelling...haha).
I told the supervisor my story...oh, woe was me!
And can I tell you somethin'??
Within 5, yes 5 min. she was able to find me an INCREDIBLE flight, WAY better than the one I previously had. I would fly from Mpls. to Honduras within 6 hours. AND my bus trip would only be 4 hours instead of 8. Un-be-lievable.
What another great sign of God's blessing and desire to give me more than I could ask for. WOW.
What was I so afraid of?
"The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." --Hebrews 13:6
He consistently shows me signs of His presence, provision, and desire to do more than I can even imagine or conjure up on my own strength.
SO...here's my little story for y'all...
Well, I found out last Tuesday that there was a crash at the Tegucigalpa airport the previous Sunday (the airport which I was to fly into), and that the airport would therefore be indefinitely closed. I contacted my airline to see about where/when they could re-route my flight.
Guess what they told me?
There were NO available flights to use w/my miles.
Now, you should know that I purposely booked the flight that I did so that I did not have to pay for it...it was a pretty inconvenient flight, with 2 lay-overs and an over-night stay in Miami. And mustn't even mention the 8-hour bus ride that would follow my arrival into Honduras.
BUT...now there were NO flights available for me...at least without a big cost.
And did I mention that I'm volunteering for the year (which means that there would not be funds coming in to pay for this flight)? So I started to freak out a bit. Suddenly I was imagining having to pay an extra $400 which I was not prepared to pay.
I called AA 3 days in a row. Nothing changed. Still no flight for me, unless I wanted to wait until July 1st. And that would mean that I would not be taking language school. Ahemmmm...not possible, being that I will be beginning a job in SPANISH on July 6th!
So...I did my best to try to talk calmly to the receptionist on the other line (though I was really hoping for some sympathy).
Well, she finally decided to hand me over to her supervisor (again, not because I was yelling...crying, maybe, but not yelling...haha).
I told the supervisor my story...oh, woe was me!
And can I tell you somethin'??
Within 5, yes 5 min. she was able to find me an INCREDIBLE flight, WAY better than the one I previously had. I would fly from Mpls. to Honduras within 6 hours. AND my bus trip would only be 4 hours instead of 8. Un-be-lievable.
What another great sign of God's blessing and desire to give me more than I could ask for. WOW.
What was I so afraid of?
"The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." --Hebrews 13:6
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